How To Treat Itchy Eyes At Home?
Itchy Eyes Treatment
What are the ways to treat itchy eyes?
Do not let your rest time at night just because you are busy rubbing your eyes. So, try various ways to treat itchy eyes that may often be experienced at night only:
1. Always maintain eye hygiene
Try to remember again, do you take the time to regularly clean and maintain eye health? If not, start applying this from now on. Because the chemicals, dust, pollution, dirt, and makeup on the piling eyes can make the eyes feel itchy.
That is why keeping your eyes clean at night will help relieve irritating itching. First, remove eye makeup first if you use it. Then wash your eyes with water and then wipe dry. Continue by dropping eye drops that can remove dirt on the eyes and keep them fresh. Don't forget to release contact lenses that you have used all day before you sleep.
2. Use warm or cold compresses
Tortured because of itching in the eyes does not go away? You can put warm compresses to divert the itching. However, if it is caused by conjunctivitis, how to treat other itchy eyes is by cold compresses. This step is usually taken when itching is accompanied by red eyes.
3. Avoid allergens
Although often considered trivial, as early as possible should treat allergies that cause night itchy eyes. The easiest step is to avoid these allergens, accompanied by the use of eye drops or taking antihistamine drugs as recommended by the doctor. Don't forget to routinely change sheets and clean your bed, because it can be a hotbed for gathering allergic dirt and dust.
4. Blink your eyes repeatedly
Other eye health experts, Dr. Zeiras Eka Djamal, SpM, also said that if the habit of rubbing itchy eyes or dust is very dangerous because it can cause injury to the eyes. Dust or foreign objects that attach to the eye can scratch the surface of the eye when we rub it and eventually trigger the injury.
Unlike Dr. Endang, who suggests overcoming itchy eyes with cold water compresses, while Dr. Zeiras actually advises us to blink repeatedly so that tears naturally relieve itching and eliminate dust and various foreign objects in the eye. Don't forget to read another article about treating itchy between the toes.
Prevent Itchy Eyes
After explaining how to treat itchy eyes, precautions need to be taken. Prevention of eye itching often depends on the root cause of the problem. It is important for people to talk with health care providers to find out about conditions that cause eye problems. Your doctor or eye specialist can also advise on any precautions that can reduce the frequency or severity of his condition.There are several steps you can take to maintain good eye health, including the following:
- Moisturize the air at home if you live in a dry area or use heating to keep warm in the rainy season.
- Clean the filter in moisturizer carefully and regularly. Consider HEPA filters for air cleaning.
- Change filters in air conditioners and heating systems as recommended by the manufacturer.
- Avoid rubbing or rubbing your eyes. If your eyes hurt, you should sit down and apply a soothing cold compress for 10 minutes.
- Avoid smoking. Avoid scented candles, which can cause eye irritation. Any candle can pollute the air with soot and irritation.
- Live a healthy diet containing vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids.
- If you have allergies, stay indoors when pollen levels are high outside.
- Use eye protection or special glasses if working with anything that is dusty or sandy.
- Strong odors, such as cleaning chemicals, perfume, aroma, or even onions can irritate, cause inflammation, and provide the perfect environment for bacteria to nest. You should try to avoid this if possible.